Fairport Harbor

Flight Path

Built in 1925 to replace the original Fairport Harbor Lighthouse (which now serves as a museum).

Flight Path

The lighthouse exterior was constructed in Buffalo, New York and the interior was finished after the structure was placed along the breakwater of Lake Erie. 

After decades of use, sadly, the Fairport Harbor West Breakwater Lighthouse is no longer a beacon of light for the boaters of Lake Erie.

It was bought by a private owner in 2011, and is currently being renovated into a vacation home.

Flight Path

Fairport Harbor Lighthouse was originally built in 1825. After years of deterioration, the lighthouse was rebuilt in 1871, to stand at sixty-feet tall.

Flight Path

In 1925, the lighthouse was discontinued, and replaced by the Fairport Harbor West Breakwater Lighthouse.

The Fairport Harbor Historical Society founded the museum in 1945, and now welcomes visitors to explore Ohio’s maritime past.

I would love to visit Fairport Harbor again to explore the lighthouses, Finnish Heritage Museum, and the local restaurants and shops of this lakeside town.

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Flight Path