10 Helpful Tips To Plan A Stress-Free Road Trip


Are you planning a road trip soon?

 Whether to explore bucket list destinations or lesser known locations, road tripping is one of my favorite ways to experience the beauty of America’s landscapes.

Prior to your road trip, check your vehicle’s battery, oil, tire pressure, wiper blades, brakes, spare tire, air-conditioning and wiper, radiator and transmission fluids.

Pre-Trip Vehicle Safety Checks

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Before you set off on your trip, make a plan.

Make a Plan

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Map Your Route

Plan your route prior to hitting the road.

Utilize Google Maps

My preference when planning a road trip is Google Maps because it provides road construction details, alternate routes and arrival time at the destination.

Traveling in this uncertain time, prioritizing safety is more important than ever.

Prioritize Safety

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Be Flexible

While I’m a planner through and through, I always plan for the unexcepted.

Strategically Plan Stops

To minimize stops, strategically plan breaks. Instead of stopping multiple times, we like to plan an all-in-one stop at a gas station to fuel up the vehicle, take bathrooms breaks, purchase snacks and stretch before hitting the road again.

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