Union County is located in West Central Ohio, approximately 30 miles north of Downtown Columbus. If you’re looking for fun things to do near Columbus, Ohio, you can escape the hustle and bustle of the state capital in under 30 minutes to Union County’s peaceful landscapes.
There are many fun things to do in Union County, whether you want to spend time at one of the quaint historic towns, search for covered bridges, learn about agritourism or explore the beautiful countryside with a scenic drive along an Ohio Byway, you’ll find many options to fill your Ohio weekend getaway.
Union County is home to some of the prettiest covered bridges in Ohio. With five historic bridges (designed and built by Reuben L. Partridge, a resident of Marysville) and three modern bridges, the best way to see all of them is to download the official driving tour map of Union County’s covered bridges.
A scene straight from a magazine cover, the historic bridge is transformed to an elegant dinner venue. A centerpiece chandelier, beautifully decorated table with seating for 100, sweeping views of the surrounding cornfields and lovely conversation with visitors and locals alike, made for one of the best dinner experiences I’ve had in Ohio.